Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Looking Through Rose-Colored Glasses

One thing that I have come to learn throughout both my personal and professional life is that we are not always going to like everyone, and that this is okay.  However, I have found that if you give people enough chances and give them the opportunity to prove you wrong they usually do. This is a realization that I am thankful for.  Growing up, in both age and maturity, is a continuous process full of its own ups and downs, but it is something we have to do.  I have learned that the only thing we can control is ourselves, and that no matter how hard we may try to change someone that we never can because true change comes from within. With that being said, I have learned to stop trying to change others and instead work on changing my perspective.  I know that this is a concept that seems so simple, but it has taken me years to (near) perfect.  Being able to do this has enabled me to make friends with people I would not normally associate with and to try things that I would have previously snubbed.  I am thankful for this change in perspective and the events that led to this realization.  The world is how we choose to view it, so we can go through our lives looking at everything as though its gloom and doom, or we can opt for the rose-colored glasses and enjoy ourselves and eachtoher just a little bit more. Just something to think about.

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