Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Que Sera, Sera

Today in my practicum class we were talking about stress as it relates to our clients and a question was posed to us: How do we manage stress.  Personally, I think I do a good job of taking everything in stride, but always seem to find my calmness being perceived as "not caring" which couldn't be further from the truth.  In fact I do care, I care a whole hell of a lot.  However, the difference between myself and a lot of other people is that I know what is worth stressing about and what is not. I feel that we need to give our energy to things that truly deserve it, things that matter in the long run, not these piddly every day tasks that everyone seems to get so caught up in. Anyways, one of my classmates who shares my opinion drew an illustration on the board that I felt did a damn good job of explaining this stance....

Got a problem? Nope! Good for you, relax!
Got a problem? Yup! Can you fix it? Nope! The problem is out of your hands, relax!
Got a problem? Yup! Can you fix it? Yup! Good for you, problem solved, relax!

The moral of this story is to relax, or as my grandma would say "Que Sera, Sera" which means whatever will be, will be. We need to be able to change what we can, all the while remaining at peace with the fact that some things are simply out of our control. If I have learned one thing after everything that I have been through it is this:

Life is all about perspective, we can have everything we want, as long as we learn to want what we already have. 

Be loving. Be kind. Be Grateful. We are all blessed beyond belief.
Doris Day singing "Que Sera, Sera" 

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