Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Healthy and Delicious!

The beginning of May marks my return to a healthy lifestyle because, well, lets just say that I have not been terribly kind to my body in the last few months.  Between stress and a busy schedule, I have found myself reaching for eating options that are not terribly healthy. So, here I am, getting back to the grind.  Not a fan of deprivation, I opt for food where I can have both quality and quantity, so I am getting both taste and a full belly.  Also, I have made it a point to eat foods that have a ton of nutrients so that I can really get the most out of my calories. So, what am I eating right now you ask, let me share! The nutrient information provided is per serving, and is an estimate. Note that fiber and protein are super important in weight regulation and keeping your body in tip top shape!

Kiwi: 56 calories and 114% vitamin C 
Mango: 130 calories, 46% vitamin C, and 26% vitamin A, 
Strawberries: 49 calories for 1 cup, 149% vitamin C, and 12% fiber
Soy Crisps (in zesty bbq): 110 calories for 17 crisps, high in fiber and protein
AE Greek Yogurt: 170 calories, 27% protein, 20% vitamin D, and 15% calcium
Flaxseed(can add to yogurt, cereal, baked goods, etc...): 90 calories for 2 tbsp and 24% fiber
Quaker Rice Cakes (in apple cinnamon): 50 calories per cake and 11 grams of whole grains
Kashi GoLean Roll (in caramel peanut): 190 calories, 26% fiber, 20 % protein, 15% vitamin C, 20% calcium, 35% vitamin E, 25% vitamin B6, 25% folic acid, and 25% B12
All Whites Egg Whites: 25calories for 1/3 cup and 10% protein (eat with spinach, 2 tsp. hot sauce, and 1 tbsp garlic for ~93 calories and tons of antioxidants)
Green Tea: 0 calories and 190 mg of antioxidants

In addition to this I also take VitaFusion Multi-Vites and Green Tea supplements to tie everything together.  So far so good, but I think that it goes without saying that I will be much happier when I see these changes pay off!

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