Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day in Houston

Memorial Day in Houston

Just got back from Houston, and let me say this, it is absolutely WONDERFUL to see old friends!  Malorie and I flew in Thursday night and that is where the shenanigans began.  However, before Malorie showed up I decided to do a little tanning, only to find out that there is no such thing as a little tanning in Texas, you are either pale or crispy and I got crispy! Here is a picture of my incredibly patriotic sunburn...

These colors don't run!
After Malorie got in, Malorie, Berk, Lauren (Berk's roomie) and I went to Little Woodrows to watch turtle racing.  For those of you that haven't experienced turtle racing let me tell you one thing, it is FAR more exciting than it sounds.  Turtle racing basically consists of a bunch of drunks betting on turtles as they race away from their starting "box" (a square platform in the middle of a circle) and out towards the finish "line" (a circle taped around the starting box).  First turtle to cross the "finish line" is the winner.  However, for a race to be complete the same turtle needs to win 3 times.  Turtles aren't usually associated with being speedy, but I was incredibly thrilled to see just how fast these little guys moved!  I had SO much fun and was really excited to experience turtle racing!

Turtle racing koozie

Ready.....Set... GO!
Me, Berk, and Malorie at turtle racing
After a full night of turtle racing, we decided to spend Friday afternoon driving around a Little Mexico-esque area of Houston while looking for the mysterious "good" knock off purse place.  Needless to say that 3 hours, a lot of sweat, and non-English shop vendors later we left empty-handed.  After our pointless voyage we went to Chuy's for lunch and it was some of THE best Mexican food I have ever had.  Chuy's is a chain, so if you are ever lucky enough to find yourself near one I highly suggest that you swing in and give their frozen sangria a try, you won't regret it! Friday night some college friends drove to Houston and we all met for dinner and some bar-hopping.  Once again, upon Mal and my request, we had Mexican.  A lot of Mexican food, I know, but good Mexican food is hard to come by in Kansas City and Milwaukee!  After dinner we found ourselves at a place called Rebel Bar and next thing I know I am on the dance floor attempting to line dance.  I looked like a damn fool, but it was too much fun!  I am beyond grateful that my guy friends know how to dance, without their guidance it would have been an awful sight and an overall offense to country line dancing!

3 years of roomie love!
Amanda, Malorie and I
Amanda, Malorie, Me, and Berk at dinner

Look who they found, Ryan!
 Friday afternoon we headed out to Reese's Uncle Jack's lake house on Lake Conroe. What a beautiful place!  The house was gorgeous and had the most amazing view of the lake, equipped with jet-skiis, a hot tub, pool and lots of crawfish!  We spent our time at the lake drinking, cooking/eating crawfish, and swimming.  Everyone got a bit too "patriotic", but hey, that's the fun of it!

Beautiful pool and view of the lake
Me, Berk, and Mal

Ryan and I
If you can race turtles you can race crawfish, right?
Crawfish, potatoes, sausage, mushrooms and beer! I was a happy girl!
Documenting Ryan's first crawfish!
After we got back from the lake on Sunday we went to a friends bbq and spent the day grilling and swimming, same thing goes for Monday!  I will not lie and say that this vacation was in the least bit relaxing but it sure was a lot of fun.  I am beyond happy that I got to see so many of my friends that I had not seen in a while, it was a great trip, and the fact that Ryan got to come and meet everyone made it even better!

"You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends.  So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college sure does..." -Tom Petty

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

I'll be the first to admit that I don't really like Mother's Day.  Nothing against moms or celebrating them, but for me, celebrating Mother's Day without a mom makes about as much sense as a zebra wearing a dress.  It is not that I have always disliked this day, but since my mom has been gone it is a bitter reminder of what I no longer have.  To add insult to injury, as a server, I am going to spend all of Mother's Day waiting on people who are spending the day with their moms.  It sucks.  I am not a big fan of the "woe is me" mentality, but Mother's Day is an exception.  I usually spend this day surly and sobbing, not exactly traits that you want in a server. I feel that most people spend this day "celebrating" moms without really appreciating them if that makes any sense.  As though they are saying the words but not fully acknowledging how monumentally important moms are in a child's life.  So I guess that the moral of the story is this, if you have a great mom don't limit Mother's Day to one day, celebrate the awesome women in your life year round.
My favorite picture of my mom and I circa 1988, she always hated this picture but it has always been a favorite of mine

Friday, May 11, 2012

Houston Count Down

Thinking about it, I realize that today marks the 2 year anniversary of me leaving my beloved Oxford!  In leaving Oxford not only did I leave a town that I adored, but I also left many of the people who area nearest and dearest to my heart!  Accompanying this realization is another one, one that reminds me that in less than 2 weeks I will be re-united with many of these people. 2 WEEKS UNTIL HOUSTON! In case the all caps weren't big enough of a give away, I am excited, reallllly excited!  6 days and 5 nights of pure awesomeness!  I must say that I am excited, I feel that being around my friends really grounds me and helps me to get back to being myself which is something that I have been needing lately.  I am also excited because this is going to be the first time Ryan gets to meet 2 of my best friends.  I think that although he knows me well, that he is going to see a whole other side when I am among my bests!  So excited! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dating: Must HAVES and Must NOTS

This post is definitely going to be a work in progress, but I am reaching out to my friends and "facebook friends" to get their opinions on what qualities are most important in a partner as well as the qualities that are deal-breakers.  I think that it will be very interesting to see (potential) variations among the genders, but more so how my must haves/must nots stack up to everyone else! I definitely have my guess as to what their answers are going to show, but we shall see!

According to the ladies, MUST HAVE qualities include:
  • Intelligent (3)
  • Good job
  • Enjoys music
  • Well, um, equipped
  • Motivated/goal oriented (3)
  • Sense of humor (7)
  • Able to give partner space/not clingy (2)
  • Love God/Religious
  • Wear Flatbills
  • Hate the Red Sox (or any team that you dislike/hate)
  • Liberal
  • Atheist
  • Want family
  • Sexual Dynamo (2)
  • Active (2)
  • Likes dogs (2)
  • Honest (2)
  • Ethical
  • Good communication skills
  • Happy/like themselves
  • Kind
  • Polite
  • Good cook
  • Likes baseball
  • Good tushy
  • Reliable/there when you need them

MUST NOTs include:
  • Emotionally stunted
  • Rudeness (2)
  • Judgmental
  • Push-over
  • Shy
  • Socially inept 
  • Clingy (3)
  • Bad tippers

According to the gents, MUST HAVE qualities include:
  • First name Quinn
  • Last name Eggesiecker (haha, thanks C)
  • Honesty
  • Can commit to current partner without constantly looking for the "next best"
  • All about her partner
MUST NOTs include:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Healthy and Delicious!

The beginning of May marks my return to a healthy lifestyle because, well, lets just say that I have not been terribly kind to my body in the last few months.  Between stress and a busy schedule, I have found myself reaching for eating options that are not terribly healthy. So, here I am, getting back to the grind.  Not a fan of deprivation, I opt for food where I can have both quality and quantity, so I am getting both taste and a full belly.  Also, I have made it a point to eat foods that have a ton of nutrients so that I can really get the most out of my calories. So, what am I eating right now you ask, let me share! The nutrient information provided is per serving, and is an estimate. Note that fiber and protein are super important in weight regulation and keeping your body in tip top shape!

Kiwi: 56 calories and 114% vitamin C 
Mango: 130 calories, 46% vitamin C, and 26% vitamin A, 
Strawberries: 49 calories for 1 cup, 149% vitamin C, and 12% fiber
Soy Crisps (in zesty bbq): 110 calories for 17 crisps, high in fiber and protein
AE Greek Yogurt: 170 calories, 27% protein, 20% vitamin D, and 15% calcium
Flaxseed(can add to yogurt, cereal, baked goods, etc...): 90 calories for 2 tbsp and 24% fiber
Quaker Rice Cakes (in apple cinnamon): 50 calories per cake and 11 grams of whole grains
Kashi GoLean Roll (in caramel peanut): 190 calories, 26% fiber, 20 % protein, 15% vitamin C, 20% calcium, 35% vitamin E, 25% vitamin B6, 25% folic acid, and 25% B12
All Whites Egg Whites: 25calories for 1/3 cup and 10% protein (eat with spinach, 2 tsp. hot sauce, and 1 tbsp garlic for ~93 calories and tons of antioxidants)
Green Tea: 0 calories and 190 mg of antioxidants

In addition to this I also take VitaFusion Multi-Vites and Green Tea supplements to tie everything together.  So far so good, but I think that it goes without saying that I will be much happier when I see these changes pay off!