This past Friday a friend of Ryan and mine invited us to join them on an ugly sweater holiday lights booze cruise, which translates to a bunch of drunks riding around in a bus wearing old sorority swap gear. Anyways, we and about 30 of our closest friends drove around suburban Kansas City looking at all of the amazing light displays. A few of the houses had their lights synced with local holiday music stations which was really cool, especially for the Charlie Brown song! My favorite, however, was our first stop. We arrived to this man's home and my jaw dropped. There were Christmas things EVERYWHERE.... creepily so. Anyways, this is a picture from that gentleman's house, notice the 40s we're trying to hide? Hope everyone is having a great start to their holiday season!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Texts From Bennett
Today for your reading pleasure, I present you with a new find of mine (and perhaps all of America): Texts From Bennett. The author of this blog starts off by saying
"These are text messages I exchange with my 17 year old cousin Bennett. He is a white boy that thinks he's a Crip, works at AMACO, has a girlfriend named Mercedes, and is one of the most unintentionally funny and brilliant souls on this planet. By the way, this is 100% real. "
This blog is most definitely not P.C., but it is F.A.S (funny as shit). Hope you enjoy reading the craziness as much as I do!
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I imagine Bennett as Bullethead from The Steve Harvey Show |
Friday, November 25, 2011
Puppy Love!
If you need to know one thing about me it is this: I am OBSESSED with puppies...especially Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs with their squashed little faces!
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My main man, Mr. Gus, a "Frenchton"FYI...French Bulldog + Boston Terrier = Frenchton |
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I do love a man in glasses....with a wet nose :-) |
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Streeeeeeeeetchin' |
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Such sweet little faces |
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Gus does his stretches just like this, every morning |
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You talkin' to me? |
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Guard dog sleeping with one eye open |
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Gus sleeps like this too, always wedged right between Ryan and I |
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I would be THE happiest girl in the world if all of these were mine! |
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O.M.Geeeeeeeeee! |
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Gus and I |
My dad tells me that I am obsessed with Gus, I think he's right
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
It is my personal belief that we need to be thankful for everything in our life, big and small. If we only give thanks for the big things, we are going to overlook the everyday miracles that come our way. So, in light of Thanksgiving and the holidays I thought I would dedicate this post to things I am thankful for!
*I am thankful for my crazy and dysfunctional family and how they always make me laugh
*I am thankful for friends who have held my hand through both the good and bad
*I am thankful for a boyfriend who has somehow managed to love and accept me, good and bad, just the way I am and make me feel more loved than I ever thought was possible
*I am thankful for a dog who is funny as hell and always puts a smile on my face
*I am thankful for my health and the health of those I love
*I am thankful for my education and the opportunity to have one
*I am thankful for those I have lost and the opportunity to have known and loved such amazing people
*I am thankful for the men and women serving our country and how they are willing to risk everything to protect people they will never even meet
Instead of focusing on what we don't have, lets show a little love for all that we do have.
*I am thankful for my crazy and dysfunctional family and how they always make me laugh
*I am thankful for friends who have held my hand through both the good and bad
*I am thankful for a boyfriend who has somehow managed to love and accept me, good and bad, just the way I am and make me feel more loved than I ever thought was possible
*I am thankful for a dog who is funny as hell and always puts a smile on my face
*I am thankful for my health and the health of those I love
*I am thankful for my education and the opportunity to have one
*I am thankful for those I have lost and the opportunity to have known and loved such amazing people
*I am thankful for the men and women serving our country and how they are willing to risk everything to protect people they will never even meet
Instead of focusing on what we don't have, lets show a little love for all that we do have.
"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings"
-Henry Ward Beecher
Monday, November 14, 2011
Lost Favorite
I love poetry. I managed to get English as a second major in college, purely do to the obscene amount of poetry classes that I took. I was fortunate enough to work side by side with some wonderful poets, both in and out of lecture, and this is a gift that I am extremely grateful for. Anyways, the reason for this post is that I stumbled across one of my favorite poems that I had forgotten all about. I wish I could take credit for this, but in fact I cannot, praise goes to Robert Frost. This excerpt is from "Black Cottage" and speaks to, what I feel to be, an amazing universal truth. The poem is amazing, but this bit is exceptionally amazing, I hope it strikes you all in the way that it struck me so many years ago
For, dear me, why abandon a belief
Merely because it ceases to be true.
Cling to it long enough, and not a doubt
It will turn true again, for so it goes.
Most of the change we think we see in life
Is due to truths being in and out of favour.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Fall Time
I like Fall for many reasons, but here are my top few
Reason #1: I don't melt on the way to my car
Reason #2: Wearing pants/leggings means you don't have to shave your legs every day
Reason #3: Dark nail polish is a-ok
Reason #4: Extra layers allow you to indulge in that extra cookie
Reason #5: I LOVE Fall clothes.... leggings and sweaters and boots, oh my!
Here are a few of my favorite Fall things, as well as some things that I am looking forward to!
1. I love my Burberry quilted jacket, it goes with everything and it is super cozy
2. My leather boots that my mom got while studying abroad in Italy in the 1970s
3. Cozy and colorful scarfs
4.My vintage Chanel purses, from my wonderful uncle!
5. Over-sized sweaters to wear with my undersized, not-so-skinny "skinny" jeans
... i need to cook dinner, more to come
Reason #1: I don't melt on the way to my car
Reason #2: Wearing pants/leggings means you don't have to shave your legs every day
Reason #3: Dark nail polish is a-ok
Reason #4: Extra layers allow you to indulge in that extra cookie
Reason #5: I LOVE Fall clothes.... leggings and sweaters and boots, oh my!
Here are a few of my favorite Fall things, as well as some things that I am looking forward to!
1. I love my Burberry quilted jacket, it goes with everything and it is super cozy
2. My leather boots that my mom got while studying abroad in Italy in the 1970s
3. Cozy and colorful scarfs
4.My vintage Chanel purses, from my wonderful uncle!
5. Over-sized sweaters to wear with my undersized, not-so-skinny "skinny" jeans
... i need to cook dinner, more to come
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Gus is 1!
My sweet little monster turned 1 yesterday, and in true mommy fashion I went a little over the top. I looked up puppy-friendly treat recipes online and made a bunch of them for his friends, as well as crafting a cake in the shape of a "1" and topping it with peanut butter. No birthday celebration is complete without an obnoxious candle, so I made sure to pick up one of those as well. I can't believe Gus is 1, hopefully this means that he starts calming down sometime soon. I doubt I will be that lucky!
Blowing out the B-Day candle! |
Monster loves peanut butter |
Saturday, November 5, 2011
An Ode to Apple Cider Vinegar
I am newly obsessed with, it has the most random assortment of everything and I dig it. Anywho, I recently "pinned" a link on all of the amazing uses for apple cider vinegar and I thought I would share. I have began drinking one of it's concoctions and using it as a facial toner and I have started noticing the results. I kid you not. Here is what the blurb says
"The only vinegar that can, and SHOULD, be consumed daily. Benefits: Helps clear acne when taken orally and applied topically. If applied topically you dilute it with water, dab it on a breakout and rinse after 15 minutes. Promotes digestion. A blocked digestive tract can lead to all kinds of skin problems. It is also a natural cure for constipation. Super high in minerals and potassium which can help slow down the aging of your skin. Helps reduce sinus infections and sore throats. Encourages the growth of healthy bacteria within your body. Can help ease menstrual cramps. It has been used for centuries as a natural weight loss remedy. When purchasing apple cider vinegar make sure that its says "Raw" and "Unfiltered." This is very important. 1-2 tablespoons per glass mixed with water daily! Add a tablespoon of organic honey or stevia if it tastes too bitter for you."
I like Bragg's apple cider vinegar, it is easy to find (found it at my local grocery) and cheap (paid less than $3 for a 20 ounce container). The website lists numerous benefits such as:
Internal Benefits
-rich in enzymes & potassium
-supports healthy immune system
-helps control weight (who wouldn’t like that!)
-promote digestion and ph balance
-soothe dry throat
-maintain healthy skin
-soothe irritated skin
-relieves muscle pain after exercise
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tomorrow I will be in my favorite place (Oxford) with my favorite person (Ryan) and I could not be more excited. I have spent forever trying to find the "perfect" for my return visit to Oxford, but I kept coming up short. Ugh. Why is it that when you actually need something you can never find it, but when you're just browsing things seem to jump out at you from the rack. Anyways, I finally found a few things (courtesy of Forever 21) that are just what I was looking for, does not hurt that they were cheap, cheap, cheap either! Here is what I am packing!
3 Years
As you know if you have ever read anything that I have written, I am a big believer in the power of perception. 3 years ago today, my mom passed away of lung cancer, just 2 days shy of her 54th birthday. At the time I was devastated and I still am to an extent, but it is something that I am dealing with. Instead of spending today crying and feeling sorry for myself, I am choosing to have a good day and celebrate my mom and all of her awesomeness by having a "date" with her. My mom was OBSESSED with Johnny Depp and the Pirates of the Caribbean series, so Ryan and I are going to watch the newest movie. This is a small thing, but it is something that allows me to feel close to my mom during a time when I am reminded of just how far away she really is. I miss my mom, but I am so thankful for all of the time I got to spend with her. So despite how you may feel about certain people in your life, I encourage you to be thankful that you still have them. It is crazy the things that you begin to miss after they are gone, but I guess that is just the way it goes sometimes.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Bling Bling, Ring Ring
Is it just me, or is anyone else deeply offended when someone you kinda-sorta-not really-know (also known as the Facebook friend) gets engaged and they do not immediately post pictures? To me this is as good as saying "Hey Quinn, I made out with vampire Eric but I don't have any pictures", pure rudeness. I mean, hello, I'd definitely want to see that! Its like taunting all of us spinsters with your engagement but not having the manners to at least let us live vicariously through you. Friends and strangers alike, if you get engaged and we are Facebook friends PLEASE upload pictures and lots of them! .... I wish I was kidding
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See, who wouldn't want to stare at gorgeous things all day! |
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Just Be YOU
"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance"
-Oscar Wilde
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Polka-Dots and Stripes?
I love this whole trend going on right now that is about mixing up patterns and textures, however I find myself wondering if it is easier said than done. I have studied the texts (Glamour, Elle, InStyle, etc...) like a good student, but I am still unsure as to how its done. I have a skirt and top that I really like separately, and according to "fashion experts" they should work together fabulously..... but I am simply not convinced... what do you think?
(skirt is from Anne Taylor Loft $49, top is from Old Navy $15 (on sale))
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wading Your Way Through The Dating Pool
I would like to start off by saying that I am by no means the perfect girlfriend (if you don't believe me ask Ryan, he will be more than happy to tell you!). I am, however, the best girlfriend that I know how to be. While I'm only beginning on my journey towards being a couples counselor/sex therapist, I have a few pieces of information that I feel is quite useful when navigating through this crazy thing called dating. I have a few friends, who will remain anonymous, who have the most impossible time finding/keeping a guy. These are smart, gorgeous and witty women, women that most men would pine over, so why are they having so much difficulty. After much thought, and interrogation, I have come to the conclusion that they are so busy looking for "Mr. Perfect" that they look over "Mr. Damn-Near-Perfect" when he comes knocking on their door. I hate to break it to you, but perfect is ideal, meaning that it is a standard that is purposely impossible to achieve all so that we can continue to strive towards self-betterment. So here is the advice that I give to my girlfriends "give the poor guy a break"! When navigating through the dating pool I recommend employing the following tactic that I find to be incredibly helpful, I like to call it "Yes, No, Maybe". Compile a list of 5 things that your ideal mate must have/be, 5 things that they must not have/be, and the rest of your wants go in a "wish list" of sorts. So for me, my "Yes, No, Maybe" would look a little bit like this:
1. Intelligent
2. Kind
3. Funny
4. Motivated
5. Considerate
..... these are 5 things that I cannot live without in a partner
1. Drug User (of any sort, legal and illegal)
2. Narrow-minded
3. Self-Righteous
4. Lies
5. Not Supportive
...... these are 5 things that would be deal breakers for me, even if the man was George Clooney (RAWRRRR)
These "YES" and "NO" lists help you to qualify your potential partner. If they do not have all of your "YES"s or they have even one of your"NO"s, WALK AWAY. So often I find people trying to change someone, and let me tell you something, that is a wasted effort. Who we are at our core is pretty much wholly formed around age 8, so unless you are dating an 8 year-old (which mind you is illegal) good luck! The rest of the qualities that you would like, but do not necessarily have to have, fall into your "MAYBE" category. Although these qualities are not must haves, your partner should have the majority of them, shoot for 80%ish.... Your "MAYBE" list can be as long as you like, but here are a few of mine:
1. Family-oriented
2. Established
3. Successful
4. Spontaneous
5. Likes animals
6. Cooks (since I don't)
7. Relaxed
8. Tall(er) than me
9. Assertive
10. Man who can be a man (so sexy)
.... these are all things that I would really like to have in a partner, but they are not necessarily things that would be deal-breakers for me.
Is this making sense?
If I have said it once, I have said it a million times, but here we go again.... LIFE IS ALL ABOUT PERSPECTIVE. By mapping out a list like the one above, you are allowing yourself to gain perspective into what really matters in a partner, which allows you to seek out those qualities. This also allows you to give someone a boot in the ass as soon as you see they do not have what you are looking for. This strategy prevents lost time and broken hearts, and is something that I wish I had known about a few boyfriends ago (you know who I am talking about). So, what do you think, has something like this worked for you?
1. Intelligent
2. Kind
3. Funny
4. Motivated
5. Considerate
..... these are 5 things that I cannot live without in a partner
1. Drug User (of any sort, legal and illegal)
2. Narrow-minded
3. Self-Righteous
4. Lies
5. Not Supportive
...... these are 5 things that would be deal breakers for me, even if the man was George Clooney (RAWRRRR)
These "YES" and "NO" lists help you to qualify your potential partner. If they do not have all of your "YES"s or they have even one of your"NO"s, WALK AWAY. So often I find people trying to change someone, and let me tell you something, that is a wasted effort. Who we are at our core is pretty much wholly formed around age 8, so unless you are dating an 8 year-old (which mind you is illegal) good luck! The rest of the qualities that you would like, but do not necessarily have to have, fall into your "MAYBE" category. Although these qualities are not must haves, your partner should have the majority of them, shoot for 80%ish.... Your "MAYBE" list can be as long as you like, but here are a few of mine:
1. Family-oriented
2. Established
3. Successful
4. Spontaneous
5. Likes animals
6. Cooks (since I don't)
7. Relaxed
8. Tall(er) than me
9. Assertive
10. Man who can be a man (so sexy)
.... these are all things that I would really like to have in a partner, but they are not necessarily things that would be deal-breakers for me.
Is this making sense?
If I have said it once, I have said it a million times, but here we go again.... LIFE IS ALL ABOUT PERSPECTIVE. By mapping out a list like the one above, you are allowing yourself to gain perspective into what really matters in a partner, which allows you to seek out those qualities. This also allows you to give someone a boot in the ass as soon as you see they do not have what you are looking for. This strategy prevents lost time and broken hearts, and is something that I wish I had known about a few boyfriends ago (you know who I am talking about). So, what do you think, has something like this worked for you?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Que Sera, Sera
Today in my practicum class we were talking about stress as it relates to our clients and a question was posed to us: How do we manage stress. Personally, I think I do a good job of taking everything in stride, but always seem to find my calmness being perceived as "not caring" which couldn't be further from the truth. In fact I do care, I care a whole hell of a lot. However, the difference between myself and a lot of other people is that I know what is worth stressing about and what is not. I feel that we need to give our energy to things that truly deserve it, things that matter in the long run, not these piddly every day tasks that everyone seems to get so caught up in. Anyways, one of my classmates who shares my opinion drew an illustration on the board that I felt did a damn good job of explaining this stance....
Got a problem? Nope! Good for you, relax!
Got a problem? Yup! Can you fix it? Nope! The problem is out of your hands, relax!
Got a problem? Yup! Can you fix it? Yup! Good for you, problem solved, relax!
The moral of this story is to relax, or as my grandma would say "Que Sera, Sera" which means whatever will be, will be. We need to be able to change what we can, all the while remaining at peace with the fact that some things are simply out of our control. If I have learned one thing after everything that I have been through it is this:
Life is all about perspective, we can have everything we want, as long as we learn to want what we already have.
Be loving. Be kind. Be Grateful. We are all blessed beyond belief.
Doris Day singing "Que Sera, Sera"
What Would You Do With $5,000?
I simply do not understand why people on What Not To Wear complain about having to go shopping. If someone came up to me and said "Hey, Quinn! Here is $5,000 to go shopping and get yourself a brand new wardrobe" I would think that I had died and gone to heaven. This has gotten me thinking about items that I would like to have, but cannot necessarily afford on my broke-as-hell-grad-student budget. As someone who is a little clothes/shoes/purse obsessed, I die for so many designer duds, but often I have to make due with finding their thriftier counterparts. I prefer to skimp on "trendy" items (sequined dresses, studded heels, etc...) and choose to splurge on staples like a classic bag (LV, Chanel, Kate Spade, etc...) and a great pair of Italian leather riding boots. I think that it is because of my shopping mantra that I am able to put together a ton of great "Designer Inspired" looks for a helluva lot less but still look like one rich bitch. But back to what I was talking about before I got sidetracked, what would I buy if I had an extra $5,000 that had to be spent on wardrobe? I would want to buy things that are classic and chic, things that are in style now and will be in style 20 years from now. Here are a few things that come to mind....
First thing is first, I have been yearning and pining for this Louis Vuitton "Delightful Monogram PM" but with a price tag of $890 I definitely cannot afford it right now.... or ever probably
The second thing I would buy would have to be these Tory Burch "Reva" ballet flats in a few different colors. With a price tag ranging from $195 upwards I would get these in 2 colors: "Tumbled Leather Bleach", "Black w/ Gold Decal"..... I would also buy a pair of "Amy" pumps for $250
So let's check in with how we are doing with our cash money$
$5,000- 890= $4,100-642= $3,458 left!!!!
I would also buy a Burberry "Giant Check Cashmere" scarf in "Camel" for $275
M Missoni "Window Pane Stripe Coat" for $795... So.Damn.Chic.
Let's see, we have spent $2,612 so we haveeee $2,388, hooray!
M Missoni "Zigzag Stripe Tank Dress" ( $695) is a classic. No doubt that it will be forever in style!
Next up is something that I have been searching for for quite a while, but currently I cannot find anyone who is selling them. I would die and die again if I got my hands on a pair of Gucci Bamboo Ballerina flats for around $450
M Missoni "Zigzag Stripe Tank Dress" ( $695) is a classic. No doubt that it will be forever in style!
Next up is something that I have been searching for for quite a while, but currently I cannot find anyone who is selling them. I would die and die again if I got my hands on a pair of Gucci Bamboo Ballerina flats for around $450
I would also buy a few great pairs of jeans, right now I am loving Seven's "Roxanne Skinny Rise" jeans ($155)
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(granted my ass is 10x this big) |
Alright, I have $1088 left and I can think of nothing I would rather spend this money on than a gorgeous piece of jewelry... or two. I am a huge fan of David Yurman, I feel that these pieces are so chic and so timeless, and the two-tone metal makes them super easy to wear! Loving these "Blue Topaz Albion" earrings for $575
I would also go ahead and get these Elsa Peretti "Diamonds by the Yard" earrings for $485
Alrighty, so I have purchased:
1 Louis Vuitton "Delightful Monogram PM" purse for $890
2 pairs of earrings (1 pair of David Yurman and 1 pair of Tiffany and Co) for $575 and $485 respectively
4 pairs of shoes (3 pairs of Tory Burch and 1 pair of Gucci) for $195, $195, $250 and $450 respectively
1 pair of Seven jeans for $155
1 M Missoni jacket for $795
1 Burberry scarf for $275
1 M Missoni dress for $695
This makes for a grand total of $4,960 which leaves me with $40 in my pocket. This extra cash is going to go towards lunch, because I don't know about you, but shopping until you drop leaves you utterly famished!
What do you think about what I got? What would YOU buy if the opportunity presented itself? Let me know what you think!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
New Blog Design
Like the new blog? It is all from The Cutest Blog On The Block! This site offers tons of cute backgrounds, banners, buttons and accessories and best of all they are FREE! Here are two banners I made using their template, so cute and so easy!
10 Reasons I Am Loving Fall
10 reasons that I am L-O-V-I-N-G Fall
10. Obnoxiously over-sized hair pieces
9. Blazin' hot blazers
8. Fun, colorful, and eclectic scarfs blowin' in the air
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Love this Missoni scarf |
7. Dark lipstick is o-so-sexy
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Doesn't Emma Watson look beyondddd |
6.Chunky sweaters to hide chunky areas...and arses
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J Crew |
4. Cardi Party ....cardigans that is
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Tory Burch... btw, played field hockey with this girl in high school! |
and the #1 resaon that I am loving fall iiiiiiiiiiiissssssss (drumroll)....
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Thanks Uncle Terry! |
So, what do YOU think? What are you loving about fall?
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