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KKG Seniors @ Bid Day 2009! |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Kappa Kappa Gamma Cutie Pies
11th Nugget
When are lives are running every which way and the world seems crazy its so important to notice and give thanks for all of the little things in life. On my way back from campus I stopped by McDonald's for my weekly nug meal, and was elated to come home and find that there was an 11th nugget in my 10-piece meal. You hear me, an 11th NUGGET EVERYONE! Needless to say, but I was thrilled. I immediately alerted everyone I know about my streak of luck and got so many awesome responses! It amazed me to see how something so small as an extra nugget could send such a glimmer of happiness to everyone. So all in all I just wanted to say that appreciation for the little things is key in life. I would like to leave y'all with a quote from Ashley Smith, "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams". Hope you have a wonderful and happy day!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
McQueen The Magnificent

Single Girls Bible
The Single Girls Bible
It has come to my attention that some of my girlfriends are struggling, so back by popular demand is THE LIST. These "rules" are taken from "Why Men Marry Bitches" by S. Argov. Before you see this and roll your eyes, give me a quick second to explain. These are general guidelines for anyone (male or female) in any sort of dating relationship in which they find things going slower than anticipated. The following list is an absolute godsend, and to be honest I have used them extensively in the past. One of my exes (but still good friends mind you) used to tease me saying that I used my "rulebook voodoo" on him, haha! Basically these "rules" preach the importance of being a strong person with a mind and a life of their own, no game playing here! So, here you go ladies, have a LOVEly day!
1. In romance, there’s nothing more attractive to a man that a woman who has dignity and pride in who she is
2. He marries the woman who won’t lay down like linoleum
3. He doesn’t marry a woman who is perfect. He marries the woman who is interesting
4. When a woman is trying too hard, a man will usually test to see how hard she is willing to work for it. He’ll start throwing relationship Frisbees, just to see how hard she’ll run and how high she’ll jump.
5. Don’t believe what anyone tells you about yourself
6. Men see how you dress, and then make assumptions about your relationship potential
7. When a man sees you wearing very revealing clothes, he’ll usually assume you don’t have anything else going for you
8. When he sees you scantily dressed, he is not reminded of how great you look naked. He immediately thinks of all the other men you’ve slept with
9. Every guy knows he can find a girl who is simply satisfied with satisfying him. They are much more turned on by a woman who cares about her own pleasure as well.
10. You can tell how much someone respects you by how much he respects your opinion. If he doesn’t respect your opinion, he won’t respect you
11. It is better to be disliked for being who you are than to be loved for who you are not
12. Men like to be curious. They like to feel that there’s more to the story than what they already know
13. The mental challenge is not, “can I get her to sleep with me?” the mental challenge is, “can I get and keep her attention?”
14. Your power gets lost the minute you start asking, “where do I stand?” because what you’ve just told him is that the terms of the relationship are now his to dictate
15. As soon as a man has his guard up, he will not fall in love or get attached. The only way he’ll get attached is if you lower his guard first
16. When a woman rushes in too quickly, a man will assume she is in love with a fantasy or the idea of having a relationship. But if he has to slowly win her over, incrementally, he’ll think she’s falling in love with who he is
17. Don’t even mention the word “commitment” that’s the whole trick. The less you say about it, the closer you are getting to one.
18. If he has no guarantees, becomes attached, and thinks you could be gone at any time, that’s when he’ll cherish the idea of securing a relationship
19. There’s nothing more prized to a man than something he had to wait for, work for, or struggle a little bit to get
20. As soon as a woman hands a man a more serious commitment on a silver platter, he’ll be reluctant to take it
21. Don’t be so blunt, obvious or available that you come across as having already made up your mind about the guy.
22. You want to figure out his patters, but don’t let him figure out yours
23. Men are far more smitten when they feel like they are “stealing” your time away from something else you could have been doing
24. When a woman makes a man feel he’s trusted, it makes him feel strong and worthy. It makes him want to be honorable and do the right thing.
25. Men like rules and they like guidelines. If there is something you don’t like he’ll respect you for voicing it. He wants to know what the “dos and don’ts” are.
26. Men love knowing that there’s a small part of you that they can’t get to
27. Men read a lot into where you’ve been, by how dolled up you are when you get home. If you are dolled up and you weren’t with him, it will keep him wondering a little
28. The magic formula is to give a little then pull back. Give a little… and then pull back.
29. Women are constantly being told amazing sex will win a man’s heart. This is false. Just because a man sleeps with you doesn’t mean he cares about you. Nor will good sex make him care about you
30. The way to weed out the contenders from the pretenders is to assess their attitude about waiting for sex. If he likes you, he’ll be happy just being in your company
31. The purpose of waiting is not just to seem classier. You also want to give yourself time to observe him and find out key facts about him
32. Who he tells you he is in the beginning has very little to do with how he will treat you. If there’s sex involved, he’ll promise you things you’ve never even heard of.
33. When you aren’t mind-blown after sex, and you continue to focus on your own life, he’ll automatically start looking at you differently. Then he’ll start wanting to secure a relationship with you.
34. After sex, behave as if the relationship is still new
35. Men are intrigued by anything they do not completely control
36. When you maintain a bit of privacy and he has to wonder a little where you are, you are stimulating his imagination. The second he can’t get a hold of you he’ll send out an all points bulletin to find you
37. To a man, a relationship without sex represents a relationship with no love, no affection and no emotional connection.
38. Always preserve the mystery. Keep the sex sporadic and unpredictable. It makes it much more intense for the man
39. When a woman reacts emotionally, men get three things: attention, control and the feeling of importance
40. When you are easily manipulated, he will assume he doesn’t have to give as much in the way of a commitment in order to keep you there
41. The best way to set limits with a guy when he’s testing you is by controlling the ebb and flow of your attention. An emotional reaction is always a reward, even if it is negative attention.
42. Men hear what they see
43. When a man tries to make you jealous, it rare has anything to do with his desire for someone else. When you are upset he gets the reassurance that you care
44. Once you start doing the same thing he was doing, suddenly, the bad behavior will magically disappear
45. When a man doesn’t call, a bunch of scenarios will typically run through a woman’s mind. Similarly, his imagination will run wild when he doesn’t hear from you
46. The more rational and calm you remain, the more emotional he will become
47. To a man, it is totally inappropriate to be emotional when talking about something important. When you speak calmly, he assumes it is much more important
48. Many men reduce women to a set of givens. A man relies on the fact that most women are emotional and that he’ll be able to push your emotional buttons once he finds out where they are. When he can’t, he’ll often crumble and become the more vulnerable one in the relationship
49. He is testing to see if you believe in yourself. He wants to know who is at the controls. When you aren’t easily shaken he sees “this one can’t be manipulated”
50. To encourage the right behavior, state what you want and then give him the solution. Show him how he can be your hero.
51. When he’s dating you he’ll constantly be on guard and watching to discern “does she like me for who I am? Or for what I can provide”
52. When a man sees you are focused on your own dreams or on elevating yourself, he feels safer in marrying you because he doesn’t worry about what you’ll be trying to take away from him
53. Men don’t judge how much money you have. They notice how you budget what you do have.
54. Men admire women who want to elevate themselves and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, and fear women who are social climbers at a man’s expense
55. He doesn’t want to marry a helpless little girl whom he will have to take care of
56. For a man, the word respect and trust are interchangeable. If he doesn’t respect you, he will not trust you. And without trust he will always keep you at an arm’s length
57. When he gives you something, always acknowledge the kindness behind the gesture, not the material item itself.
58. A man’s favorite word is appreciated. He wants more than anything to feel revered and valued by a woman. When she’s appreciative it motivates him to give her the world
59. A man will not be thinking about how much he spends on you if he believes you could be “the one”. In the beginning, he will be happy to pick up the tab
60. A man who is financially comfortable by still very stingy doesn’t want to give-anything. He won’t want to be inconvenienced with his time, with sharing a dresser-much less a home or a life together
61. When you move into some else’s place you don’t just give up your personal space a belongings. More important, nearly always you also lose your feeling of independence
62. If marriage is extremely important to you and you are ready to set a weddying date, don’t move in unless you have a ring AND a date.
63. The biggest turn-on for a man is knowing that he is in love with a woman he can really count on, who will really be there for him
64. Set your own time lines and limits, and leave if it’s time to get out. Until then, don’t let him know about your time lines or deal breakers. Then keep your eyes open and watch how he manages his 50% of the relationship. Then you get the real deal much quicker
65. A guy who really thinks you could be “the one” will say very little about marriage. He’ll be much more reserved, and will slowly open up over the course of several months, because he won’t want to scare you off.
66. The more control you have over yourself, the more of a hold you will have on his heart
67. If a man really cares, he feels vulnerable. That’s when he needs a protective shield the most and that’s when he’ll often behave more cooly
68. Whenever boredom sets in, simply break the routine. As soon s the routine changes, it will pique his interest and the relationship will become interesting aging
69. You have a much better chance of getting engaged when a man doesn’t feel pressured into it
70. The bitch won’t allow herself to be with a man who is biding his time until something better comes along
71. The bitch does not hint about marriage or ask “where is this going?” instead, she hints about the removal of herself from the relationship.
72. When you stand up for yourself in a dignified, feminine and womanly way, you can get anything you want from a man. When you place a high value on yourself the right way, so will he
73. In life, half the battle has to do with the lens you choose to see yourself through. Your fulfillment hinges on whether you see yourself through a positive lens or a negative one
74. Men rarely take it as a compliment when you bend over backward or become too agreeable. Men want to feel special, and when you are too nice he feels ordinary, because he assumes you’d acquiesce and become a yes-person with any man
75. He doesn’t marry a woman who puts him on a throne. He marries a woman who is his equal… that special woman who he can share all of life’s special moments with.
Argov has a list of other similar books and all of them are really beneficial, but I much prefer this one because of the whole Beyonce-esque Independent Woman feel that it has going on.
Argov has a list of other similar books and all of them are really beneficial, but I much prefer this one because of the whole Beyonce-esque Independent Woman feel that it has going on.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Saddlebag Pancakes
A Brand New Spin-a-roo on Breakfast for Dinner
Update! Okay, so basting an egg was ridiculous difficult. Between me setting the skillet on fire and Ryan managing to calcify the poor things we called it quits and just ate the pancakes as they were... and they were AMAZING! So I would highly recommend these delicious little nuggets, and if you just can't live without the egg I'd suggest that you just cook them regular ole' over easy!
The boys thought it was just hilarious to have my "Saddlebags" pose next to the fire extinguisher...
Living in the Kappa Kappa Gamma house, and eating in the glorious walls of the BLUE and BLUE for 4 years, I was never less happy than when the menu read "Breakfast for Dinner". When I hear those dreaded words greasy bacon, hard biscuits and foamy eggs always came to my mind which usually sent me running for the door.... or the nearest Chick-fil-a. However, last night I was watching my boyfriend Adam Richman on The Food Network's "Man vs. Food" and I stumbled upon this little gem. While traveling to Boulder, Adam visited The Buff Restaurant and let America in on this mini-revelation which the owner calls "The Saddlebag" and with pancakes, bacon, sausage, and egg it is no wonder why! I am a big fan of sleeping late, so I hardly ever eat breakfast, but I am not going to let this keep me from my quest of tasting this delicious treat.....SO IM MAKING IT FOR DINER TONIGHT! The recipe is easy enough, all you do is make up some pancakes using whatever mix you choose and throw in some cooked sausage/bacon while the batter is on the griddle. Also, you could go for a McGriddle-esque effect and throw in some syrup as well. Once the pancakes are done you top them with a basted egg which you make by putting an egg in a skillet and then covering the top with a lid for a few minutes for a delicate way of cooking over easy eggs. This will ensure that the texture of the egg is super rich and velvety and a glorious compliment to its hot date pancakes. I will be sure to let you know how it goes, but I'll tell you this: if Kappa had done breakfast for dinner like this I would have syrup flowing through my veins as we speak! For you brave souls out there, I encourage you to give these "Saddlebags" a try and tell me whatchoo think! Have a wonderful (and delicious) day!
Update! Okay, so basting an egg was ridiculous difficult. Between me setting the skillet on fire and Ryan managing to calcify the poor things we called it quits and just ate the pancakes as they were... and they were AMAZING! So I would highly recommend these delicious little nuggets, and if you just can't live without the egg I'd suggest that you just cook them regular ole' over easy!
The boys thought it was just hilarious to have my "Saddlebags" pose next to the fire extinguisher...
Scary.... But True
I know this is entirely random, but I figured that you might be intrigued.... Soooo I'm watching this special on The Travel Chanel on McDonald's and I have come across some very interesting information. Were you aware that Willard Scott, yes, the man who stands aside Al Roker on NBC's Today show, was the original Ronald McDonald? I was stunned, and a little creeped out.... The original Ronald McDonald getup resembles the clown from IT more than the friendly Carrot Top-esque clown that we know today... Ch-ch-check it out!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Let's Do The Time Warp Again.... and again!
So, I know this may seem random given the previous post but I find it to be completely necessary. Recently I turned my roomie over to the dark side by exposing her to the cult phenomenon that is Rocky Horror Picture Show. Ever since I can remember this has been one of my favorite movies for so many reasons; the music, the tranny-ness, oozes sexuality, promotoes individuality, and the excessive use of everything that sparkles. However, I realize that not everyone feels this same way, which is fine, but for those of you who are Rocky Virgins " I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey" about" some insects, called the human race. Lost in time, and lost in space".
The Rocky Horror Picture Show first came out in 1975 and consisted of a cast of up and coming actors and actresses who would hold a place in the Hollywood limelight for decades to come. The first of these is Susan Sarandon in the role of Janet, the doe-eyed virgin who had "only ever kissed before". The second is Barry Bostwick, who, among other roles, portrays the mayor on Spin City. Barry is Brad, Janet's betrothed. Lastly is my main man Tim Curry in the role of a lifetime as Dr. Frankenfurter, the "sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania". O, and did I mention that Meatloaf, yes the very one, also make a cameo?

This movie is amazing anyway you watch it, but it is even more fun if you are fortunate enough to be in a city that does a midnight screening of the show. However, this is not your typical screening…. If you think people dress up and go crazy for Harry Potter and Twilight you ain’t seen NOTHING. Not only do people dress up as the eccentric characters that they have come to love so much, but they live out the fantasy of Rocky Horror while acting from their seasts or even alongside the movie while up on stage. This website is a “Rocky Horror Picture Show” for dummies if you will, and it gives a pretty good overview of what to expect if you are brave enough to attend! The Virgins Guide to Rocky Horror Picture Show
And one final thing: The Time Warp. Now, I am not saying that I am a good dancer because that would be a lie, but a basic understanding of this iconic dance is a must for any Rocky Horror Picture Show go-er. It is very simple, so don’t fret!
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Still aren't getting it? Its so very simple, try again... How to do The Time Warp
(see the girl in head to toe Sequins? Thats Columbia, and my Halloween costume... and yes, I know the whole tap routine, I have since I was 6 or 7. I told you I was hardcore didn't I!)
Hope you enjoyed the break down and that you are intrigued/disgusted enough to go and see this amazing movie for yourself! Hope you have an amazing day!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Fall In Love With My Fall Obsessions
Fall in love with my Fall OBSESSIONS!
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVE Fall! I love everything about it, from the cool breeze to the turning of the leaves, I think it is fabulous in every way! That being said I would like to share my favorite things about this faboosh season!
- Dark nail polish is hands down (pun intended) my favorite part of Fall. Once September 22nd hits, I find myself rummaging through my stash like a little kid tearing through presents Christmas morning. Here are my current obsessions...
Midnight in Moscow is my new obsession, I cannot say enough about how awesome it is. Its such a glorious dark red that it almost looks black, I affectionately refer to my bottle as "Dark Cherry". Mad as a Hatter is a tried and true color if there ever was one. I know that a ton of people get real skittish when glitter becomes involved, but fear not! This color is amazing on its own, as shown above, and it spices up any other color when layered on top! I first saw this color on one of my sorority sisters when I was in the Kappa house and I fell HARD. I immediately started calling around Oxford to get my hot little hands on a bottle just to find out that it was sold out everywhere! Finally, the Mother Teresa of the salon scene took pity on me and told me that she had been holding out on me and that there was one bottle left and I knew that I would make it mine. Long story short, I'm obsessed with it and it's damn near impossible to find
- Anyone who knows me is well aware of my love affair with these fabulous 80s throwbacks! I adore my Under Armour leggings with a baggy T for a run in the park, my ankle zip jeggings (jeans+leggings) with a slouchy sweater and boots for dinner with a gentleman caller, and even these funky bejeweled guys under a great body-skimming dress for a fun night out. American Apparel has an amazing selection of leggings and tights, as does Forever 21. All in all, leggings are the Fashion God's gift to women, can I get an Amen?
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVE Fall! I love everything about it, from the cool breeze to the turning of the leaves, I think it is fabulous in every way! That being said I would like to share my favorite things about this faboosh season!
- Dark nail polish is hands down (pun intended) my favorite part of Fall. Once September 22nd hits, I find myself rummaging through my stash like a little kid tearing through presents Christmas morning. Here are my current obsessions...
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Midnight in Moscow by O.P.I |
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Mad as a Hatter by O.P.I |
- Anyone who knows me is well aware of my love affair with these fabulous 80s throwbacks! I adore my Under Armour leggings with a baggy T for a run in the park, my ankle zip jeggings (jeans+leggings) with a slouchy sweater and boots for dinner with a gentleman caller, and even these funky bejeweled guys under a great body-skimming dress for a fun night out. American Apparel has an amazing selection of leggings and tights, as does Forever 21. All in all, leggings are the Fashion God's gift to women, can I get an Amen?
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http://www.piercemattiepublicrelations.com/jewelrypr/swarovski_crystals/ |
- When it comes to shoes, I do not discriminate. I love them in every shape, size, and color. I could rant for days on my love for mile-high heels or my sick perversion with anything studded, but I am going to spare you the lusty details. However, I am more than happy to talk boots! I just got the most fabulous pair of boots from Urban Outfitters the other day, they were only $68 and they go with everything!
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This is them! |
WAITTTTTTTT, I lied, one more thing... I am obsessed with the new clog/sling-back/platform/heel trend. I recently bought a pair that I have fallen for, HARD. If I had a boyfriend, I would leave him for these shoes.
- I love nothing more than mixing the aforementioned obsessions (jeggings and slouchy boots) with a chunk-a-doodle sweater! Anthropologie has amazing not-your-grandma's sweaters, but they can get expensive so I would highly advise checking out their sale rack whenever the opportunity arises, Urban Outfitters is a slam dunk too!
- Okay, I know this one sounds weird, but anyone who knows me knows my love for hairy, Paul Bunyon-eque men. Some girls find hairy men to gross, but in my book there is nothing sexier. I think it is this whole "Me gonna club you over the head, throw you on my shoulder, and drag you back to my love cave" fascination that i have.... Anywhooooo, with this knowledge, #5 should be no surprise. This may seem off the mark considering the aforementioned are all fashion related, but just consider this mountain man to be the finishing touch! Just picture it, a chilly night and you're decked out in your fall staples of jeggings paired with a fabulous chunky sweater rocking slouchy boots and some devilishly dark nails with this sexy stud on your arm. Can you say Fall Fantasy? You can answer me... once you get your jaw off of the floor.
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Javier Bardem's sexiness is just not fair... |
New Kid On The Block
So it looks like I am the new kid on the block...
So I never really looked at myself or my life as anything incredibly interesting, but I have come to the conclusion (through multiple requests) that a blog may be necessary in this point in my life. First off, I am fresh meat in a new city that consists of no one that I know. Secondly, my random nature leads me on the most impertinent (but always entertaining) rants of every sort. And lastly, I am working on my degree towards becoming a sex therapist which means lots of juicy knowledge. I feel that all of the aforementioned can make for a good time, and I am hoping to impart a little bit of my learned wisdom on anyone bored enough to be reading this. So if you are reading this, sucks for you! Just kidding! I am glad to have you and I hope that you have an amazingly wonderful and blessed day!
So I never really looked at myself or my life as anything incredibly interesting, but I have come to the conclusion (through multiple requests) that a blog may be necessary in this point in my life. First off, I am fresh meat in a new city that consists of no one that I know. Secondly, my random nature leads me on the most impertinent (but always entertaining) rants of every sort. And lastly, I am working on my degree towards becoming a sex therapist which means lots of juicy knowledge. I feel that all of the aforementioned can make for a good time, and I am hoping to impart a little bit of my learned wisdom on anyone bored enough to be reading this. So if you are reading this, sucks for you! Just kidding! I am glad to have you and I hope that you have an amazingly wonderful and blessed day!
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