Spent NYE 2012 in St. Louis

Easter in Detroit with Ryan and his family
Mal and I flew to Houston to visit Berk
... and ran into a few more familiar faces
Went Up North to Platte Lake with Ryan ...
and his family...
and the rest of his family
Ryan popped the question
and I said "yes"!
Jim and Jill came to KC and the Lake of the Ozarks to meet dad
and Mal came to KC to help me look for wedding dresses
Went to Chicago for a wedding and got to reunite the duckies
Shot some engagement pictures
Spent Thanksgiving in Detroit and had a wedding shower
Graduated with my Master's in Counseling & Guidance
Began working at my new job
spent Christmas in St. Louis and had another wedding shower, hosted by Mal
All in all, I would say that 2012 has been a pretty eventful year! I am looking forward to all of the amazing things that are coming up in 2013!