I am newly obsessed with Pinterest.com, it has the most random assortment of everything and I dig it. Anywho, I recently "pinned" a link on all of the amazing uses for apple cider vinegar and I thought I would share. I have began drinking one of it's concoctions and using it as a facial toner and I have started noticing the results. I kid you not. Here is what the blurb says
"The only vinegar that can, and SHOULD, be consumed daily. Benefits: Helps clear acne when taken orally and applied topically. If applied topically you dilute it with water, dab it on a breakout and rinse after 15 minutes. Promotes digestion. A blocked digestive tract can lead to all kinds of skin problems. It is also a natural cure for constipation. Super high in minerals and potassium which can help slow down the aging of your skin. Helps reduce sinus infections and sore throats. Encourages the growth of healthy bacteria within your body. Can help ease menstrual cramps. It has been used for centuries as a natural weight loss remedy. When purchasing apple cider vinegar make sure that its says "Raw" and "Unfiltered." This is very important. 1-2 tablespoons per glass mixed with water daily! Add a tablespoon of organic honey or stevia if it tastes too bitter for you."
I like Bragg's apple cider vinegar, it is easy to find (found it at my local grocery) and cheap (paid less than $3 for a 20 ounce container). The website lists numerous benefits such as: Internal Benefits
-rich in enzymes & potassium
-supports healthy immune system
-helps control weight (who wouldn’t like that!)
-promote digestion and ph balance
-soothe dry throat
-maintain healthy skin
-soothe irritated skin
-relieves muscle pain after exercise